Art Action UK Residency Success!

Thank you for your support!
Art Action's UK Respite Residency Project 2012 has been completed with amazing results.
Artist Kaya Hanasaki's stay in UK culminated in
Performance Events at Deptford X and Greenbelt Festival which are also linked to Project Fukushima! also featured Misaoredwolf, main spokes person for Japan's Anti Nuclear Movement.

Emotionally charged Hanasaki's performance

Thunderstorm and Powercut did not affect Hanasaki's delivery

One of the most touching moment was when an audience asked
"what we might be able to do for people in Fukushima?"
The answer from a Fukushima local artist
and organiser of Project Fukushima! Mr. Otomo was

"Just be a friend, and please don't forget us."

Responding to the above request and recognising the current context of Fukushima where residents feel isolated, and forgotten,
Hanasaki has collected more than 120 signitures and words of encouragement on a Banner which is going back to Fukushima.

She also collected over 100 portraits of people wearing protective masks which will be made into an installation art in Japan on her return.
We will be continuing our effort to bring more artists from affected areas.
So, if you would like to take part in direct action to rbing about a change, you can contribute online at;