

アート・アクション(以下AA):どのような経由で アートを通して日本への支援を決意されたのでしょうか?過去にファンドレージングをしたご経験が在れば、その詳細も教えてください。
ナネット・ヴィッソン(以下NV): こ のサイレント式のオークションを決めたのは、自発的な理由でした。友人であり、一緒にオーガナイズした本間さんのご家族が被災され、その距離を感じ「何か したい」という気持ちからでした。美術を通して行った理由は、それがわたしたちにとって、道理にかなった方法であり色々な方に理解を得られるからでした。 今までは、展示をオーガナイズしたり、助成金を申し込むとの経験は在りましたが、 チャリティーを行うという目的でオーガナイズしたのは初めてです。

post-interview for the art charity (1)

Conduced interviews with people who have organised charitable fund-raising events for people in Japan - asking them to share their experience, and to see where their motivation comes from. I hope the Q&A will provide evidence of one way in which art can truly impact social issues, not just through abstract ideas but as an impetus in connecting people, and helping those in need.

Art Action (AA):  
Why did you decide to work on fund-raising projects for Japan and why you decide to do it through art? *if you have previous experience in fund-raising through art, please include this experience
Nannette Vinson (NA):
The silent auction event was quite spontaneously decided upon. My friend and co-organizer Kaori Homma’s family were directly affected by the tsunami and earthquake.
We were frustrated being far away and feeling helpless to contribute. Using our art to aid in some way made sense to us and we felt others would feel the same way. I have experience organizing exhibitions and grant writing; this was my first experience fundraising.

Thank you

On behalf of the Drawing Room we would like to thank everyone for doing their part to support the relief effort in Japan.  In Budapest, we raised OVER 800,000 HUF (or about 3000 Euro) to benefit the Red Cross tsunami relief efforts. We were touched by the generosity and kindness of everyone involved. Thank you to Brody House for hosting the event and to Makifood, Guinness House, the Caledonia, Wilkinson Sausage, Gourmet Picnic Company, Hajdu & Menyhei Attorneys at Law, and Taste Hungary and all the artists for their kind donations.

Art makes a difference! YOU made a difference - THANK YOU.

With gratitude and hope,
Kaori Homma and Nannette Vinson