B&A+C Exhibition raising 1000,000yen for Children of Tsunami Disaster

In June, at Yokohama City Hall, 40 Japanese artists and 13 artists from the UK, US & France participated in a show to support children of the affected area in Tohoku. The Japanese audience and participating artists were all touched by the concern of artists abroad who donated their works. The money raised will be sent to the area through the children’s charity organisation, World Vision. 

日本の作家総勢40人プラス米英からのアーチスト13人が参加して, 横浜で行われたB&A+C展覧会では100万を超える義援金が集まりました。
義援金は被災地の子供たちに直接届くようにとの思いをこめて、子供をサポート対象の中心とするチャリテイー団体WORLD VISIONを通して送られます。11月にも、福岡でB&A+Cの第2弾を行う予定です。

Uncertain future

3 months after the disastar, I have heard from my father about the difficulty facing 100 evacuees from Fukushima, who are now housed in a summer camp facility in Okutama, just west of Tokyo.

Though most families are physically safe and settled in the camp, some of the elderly have passed away as the stress took its toll while being evacuated from their own homes. Also, the future for these families is uncertain due to lack of work.

They have now not only lost their homes, businesses, but also their community, their history and personal memories.

The Okutama summer camp facility is able to accommodate these people, but the question is for how long? Where do they go from here?

I am simply stunned at this situation knowing that it is only one corner of vast problems facing Japan where nearly 200,000 people have been displaced.