B&A+C Exhibition raising 1000,000yen for Children of Tsunami Disaster

In June, at Yokohama City Hall, 40 Japanese artists and 13 artists from the UK, US & France participated in a show to support children of the affected area in Tohoku. The Japanese audience and participating artists were all touched by the concern of artists abroad who donated their works. The money raised will be sent to the area through the children’s charity organisation, World Vision. 

日本の作家総勢40人プラス米英からのアーチスト13人が参加して, 横浜で行われたB&A+C展覧会では100万を超える義援金が集まりました。
義援金は被災地の子供たちに直接届くようにとの思いをこめて、子供をサポート対象の中心とするチャリテイー団体WORLD VISIONを通して送られます。11月にも、福岡でB&A+Cの第2弾を行う予定です。

Uncertain future

3 months after the disastar, I have heard from my father about the difficulty facing 100 evacuees from Fukushima, who are now housed in a summer camp facility in Okutama, just west of Tokyo.

Though most families are physically safe and settled in the camp, some of the elderly have passed away as the stress took its toll while being evacuated from their own homes. Also, the future for these families is uncertain due to lack of work.

They have now not only lost their homes, businesses, but also their community, their history and personal memories.

The Okutama summer camp facility is able to accommodate these people, but the question is for how long? Where do they go from here?

I am simply stunned at this situation knowing that it is only one corner of vast problems facing Japan where nearly 200,000 people have been displaced.

Actions taking place in June

B&A +C
横浜市民ギャラリー/3階C室 ,Yokohama Citizen's Gallery
231-0031 横浜市中区万代町1-1
10- 4pm,( 初日 3- 6pm)

FairCharm Fair

18-19th June 2011, 12- 6pm

Deptford, Creekside, Faircharm, London, SE8 3DX

Kaori Homma is selling editions and cards at this fair. You can also enjoy many other artists and designers showcasing their works. Live Music, Cafe available. Please see map attached.

Brockley Open Studios

2-3rd July 2011, 2-8pm

4th July 2011, 5-8pm

This is a very special event where you are invited to Kaori Homma's studio/ house/ garden, where previously un-seen works will be on display.You can also visit many other open studios/homes in the area, where you will be able to explore leafy Brockley- London's best kept secret.

Drinks and nibbles available.



アート・アクション(以下AA):どのような経由で アートを通して日本への支援を決意されたのでしょうか?過去にファンドレージングをしたご経験が在れば、その詳細も教えてください。
ナネット・ヴィッソン(以下NV): こ のサイレント式のオークションを決めたのは、自発的な理由でした。友人であり、一緒にオーガナイズした本間さんのご家族が被災され、その距離を感じ「何か したい」という気持ちからでした。美術を通して行った理由は、それがわたしたちにとって、道理にかなった方法であり色々な方に理解を得られるからでした。 今までは、展示をオーガナイズしたり、助成金を申し込むとの経験は在りましたが、 チャリティーを行うという目的でオーガナイズしたのは初めてです。

post-interview for the art charity (1)

Conduced interviews with people who have organised charitable fund-raising events for people in Japan - asking them to share their experience, and to see where their motivation comes from. I hope the Q&A will provide evidence of one way in which art can truly impact social issues, not just through abstract ideas but as an impetus in connecting people, and helping those in need.

Art Action (AA):  
Why did you decide to work on fund-raising projects for Japan and why you decide to do it through art? *if you have previous experience in fund-raising through art, please include this experience
Nannette Vinson (NA):
The silent auction event was quite spontaneously decided upon. My friend and co-organizer Kaori Homma’s family were directly affected by the tsunami and earthquake.
We were frustrated being far away and feeling helpless to contribute. Using our art to aid in some way made sense to us and we felt others would feel the same way. I have experience organizing exhibitions and grant writing; this was my first experience fundraising.

Thank you

On behalf of the Drawing Room we would like to thank everyone for doing their part to support the relief effort in Japan.  In Budapest, we raised OVER 800,000 HUF (or about 3000 Euro) to benefit the Red Cross tsunami relief efforts. We were touched by the generosity and kindness of everyone involved. Thank you to Brody House for hosting the event and to Makifood, Guinness House, the Caledonia, Wilkinson Sausage, Gourmet Picnic Company, Hajdu & Menyhei Attorneys at Law, and Taste Hungary and all the artists for their kind donations.

Art makes a difference! YOU made a difference - THANK YOU.

With gratitude and hope,
Kaori Homma and Nannette Vinson

Some more news

I have heard that my father’s church, just west of Tokyo where there is a Christian retreat/summer camp, has accommodated 70 evacuees including the elderly, children and families from the Fukushima area. The families have settled in well and the children have started new schools in this area, with the help of the collaboration between the church and local government.
I also heard from friends that their local churches are pulling their resources together to transport humanitarian supplies and support to various areas in Tohoku. NPO has been set up through the networks of churches in the area in order to communicate the needs of survivors. They have started to collect supplies and are sorting out logistics, run by volunteers.
My artist friend, Rachel Carvosso, is one of the volunteers setting off today from Tokyo to go to the Iwate area. They are transporting supplies of food/women’s sanitary products/ nappies/clothing etc. And they are also giving a foot bath, massage and hair cut service to the evacuees.
Please check of this site http://hopejapan.info/index.php/ja

Student's effort

Byam Shaw's Students set up a post card exhibition for Fund Rasing effort during their final show. A real acheivement!
Byam Shawの学生たちが卒展の会期中にはがき大の作品展を自主運営し義援金を集めました。

The auction was a great success!

We were stunned by the turnout of people at the silent auction, especially on such an unusually cold and rainy evening, in Budapest. As well as the amount raised through the auction, we were touched by the encouraging words from many people. Some artist thanked us for creating this opportunity to help Japan, while others even asked us to do more events like this in order for them to give more! The most poignant words of the evening were given by a Hungarian businessman who said that “Japan has always given so much to world crises including the Hungarian chemical spillage disaster last year, so this is our turn to help.” He then went on to become the highest bidder of the entire auction and also sponsored the reception.

Nannette Vinson and David Wilkinson, the organisers of the auction, who worked around the clock to set up the event at such short notice, also have shown amazing generosity by giving up their rightful commision, as well as time, to give towards this fund raiser.

From the Japan Embassy, secretary general Mr Yasuda visited and expressed the gratitude of the Japanese to the organisers for their effort. Moreover, the director of the Japan Foundation, Ms Iwanaga, not only paid a visit but also showed a very personal kindness by bringing along Japanese rice-ball snacks (onigiri) which were appreciated very much.
The money raised from the auction will now go straight to Red Cross Japan Appeal.

Thank you


The silent auction begins

http://www.bro dyhouse.com/
More than 40 pieces of art works are donated by Hungarian, Japanese and international artists to raise fund for Japanese Tsunami victims. The event is taking place in a beautiful space in Brody House, Budapest.

No Answer

photo by Reuters
A friend of mine from college has recently written to me from Fukushima. He and his family have just come back from the evacuation centre and seen their devastated village.
He said he had expected the local authority to have started clearing the rubble, after 3 weeks. However, he describes what he encountered was “like an end scene from ‘The Planet of the Apes’”. He continued to say “it is so detached from reality. A place where I once knew as land has now become a lake, smelling of sea water.  As far as eyes can see, all manmade objects are broken into a thousand pieces. The only thing one can hear is a sound of distant helicopters.”
The area has not yet been searched for bodies. Mr Koizumi writes “I cannot find any words, as I know that there must have been many people who survived the tsunami. The rescue just didn’t come to them.”
He is grateful that he and his family survived together. However the Koizumi family still have a very uncertain future with the possible contamination of water and food by the radiation. His main concern is for his children’s health. How he can protect his children from this invisible threat is the biggest question, Mr. Koizumi says “there is no answer.”

Charitable Art Events in April

In response to the adversities in Japan, there are many planned charitable art events to support for the recovery in Japan throughout April in Europe. 
Fold Gallery in London will host a silent art auction on the 8th of April. Established figures including Edward Allington and Sarah Pickering, and emerging artists in London will contribute their artworks to the auction. All proceeds will go to the British Red Cross for Japan Tsunami Appeal:Japan Relief 
On 14th of April, a group of Japanese and British creatives based in London will present a charity auction, Ai () Heart Japan, at Devonshire Square in London. Designers and artists who are active in their fields, such as Yohji Yamamoto and Jamie Reid, will contribute their works to the blind auction. All procceds from the entrance ticket sales, auction and raffles will go directly to the Civic Force, NPO in Japan.
On 28th of April, UK-based Japanese Artist, Nana Shiomi will donate her artworks as the raffle tickets prizes to fundraise at the P.V. for Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers Annual Exhibition at Bankside Gallery in London. All the donation will go to the smaller NPO in Japan through the Japan Society.
Please find details of each event on the enclosure links.


4月8日にはロンドンのFold Galleryにてサイレント・オークションが開催されます。Edward AllingtonやSarah Pickeringと言ったロンドン在住のアーティストが作品を提供し、オークションで得られる収益は直接イギリス赤十字を通じて日本へ送られます。
また、4月14日にはロンドンのDevonshire Squareにて、アート&ファッションのチャリティ・オークション、‘Ai () Heart Japan’ が開かれます。Yohji YamamotoやJamie Reidに代表される、世界で活躍するデザイナーやアーティストの作品がブラインド・オークションによって販売され、その収益はイベントのチケット代とラッフル・チケット代と共に、気仙沼で活動するCivic Forceに送られます。
4月28日に開かれるRoyal Society of Painter-Pirntmakersの定例展示会のオープニング・レセプションでは、在英アーティストの塩見奈々さんの木版画がラッフルの商品として寄付されます。こちらのチケット販売で得られる収益金は、全て支援金として日本の小規模なNPOに送られます。

Are things getting better? Well, actually… No.

I have been touched by the amount of concern expressed by people around me, here in London. But are things getting better in Japan?
As the media has moved on swiftly, from the initial 24/7 coverage in Japan, the general perception is that Japan, as one of the richest and most technologically advanced countries, should be able to deal with the situation with ease.
However, even 3 weeks after the natural disaster, my relatives in Sendai are still struggling to get the most basic of supplies. Meanwhile the crisis at Fukushima nuclear plant seems to be getting worse by the day. The Japanese Government has issued a warning that they are on “maximum alert level” , with the potential of an extension on the exclusion zone. As my aunt’s house is only 40km from the plant if this measure is taken she will fall under this zone and may have to be evacuated, even though the move itself might cause a real risk for her already fragile condition.
The government has now increased the maximum radiation level in foods in order to prevent a shortage in food. They have stated that their original safety level was “too conservative” and have assured people that the new level will not cause any health risks. Nonetheless, anxiety has spread! I believe with this stress, circulating among the Japanese, it is of paramount importance that we show them that they are not alone in their struggle and have sympathy and support, home and abroad.
This is why I am so encouraged to find out that many countries around the world are making a real effort to support Japan.


Participating artists出品作品&アーチスト

The list of artists, who will be included in the auction in Budapest, is currently being drawn up.
However, we are very happy to share the line up of artists we have chosen so far, which include a mixture of well established artists as well as young, promising artists. Those who will be participating are:

Nana Shiomi, Isao Miura, Ryuta Suzuki, Akiko Fujikawa, Lisa Keiko Kirton, Hikari Yoshizawa, Yoko Iwaya, Soju Tanaka, Kaori Homma, Mayu, and Nobuo Okawa.

My aunt is still not getting food supply after two weeks!

One of the major cities in the Tohoku area, Sendai is a bustling historic city with a major University. Normally the streets are lined with designer shops and restaurants. The first thing you would have seen, arriving in Sendai before the earthquake would have been the food court where you could have sampled  hundreds of different local delicacies at the Bullet train station. My aunt’s house is a bus ride from the city centre, not in a remote and inaccessible place to get to.

How then can it be that the world’s “most sophisticated /well trained /stoical” armies of rescue workers cannot help my aunt?

One of the main issues, as I understand is the lack of petrol, which is hampering transportation and also while essential supplies are slowly getting into the area, the distribution system is not geared up for the individual residents who are not in one of these big rescue centres.
I know that my aunt’s situation is only moderately serious compared to others, because of their location and the fact she has family members around her.
But there are others, outside of the media attention, already perishing due to malnutrition and hypothermia linked to the lack of essential supplies, even though they have survived the Quake and Tsunami.


iTunes' Songs for Japan

Emergency art Relief for Japan - Budapest!

Charity Art Auction for Japanese Disaster Relief


Date 14th April, 2011
Brody House, Brody Sandor Utcha 10,1088, Budapest, Hungary
Organiser: Drawing Room Hungary
Supported by;
Brody House,
IPA Foundation,

The proceeds will go to
Japan Red Cross
Thank you everyone!
Since this blog has gone out we have received a huge amount of support and offers to help from all over the world!
We have been emensely encouraged to see others getting their ACTION on too!
Helping Hand for Japan plan to host a series of events, in Oxford. Graduates from University of Arts London have an event at Creekside, SE London, this friday. (Check out http://sojutanaka.blogspot.com/ for more info) Yesterday, there was a Soup Kitchen, set up by students at Camberwell School of Art, where many young artists paid for soup noodles to raise funding for Japan.

Also, City and Guilds of London Art School will be hosting their
Art/Unity/Hope: Japan Earthquake/Tsunami Relief Fund”

Thank you all so much for your generosity.

Why Budapest?

As an artist who lives and works in London, so far away from Japan, I felt helpless when witnessing the disaster unfolding on the internet/TV. With my own family and relatives directly involved in this catastrophe, I just needed to do something. And yet, faced with the enormity of the tragedy, a question sprang to mind. What could a mere individual artist do? I cannot give a large amount of money nor do I have useful skills to rescue people.

I am due to have a holiday break in Budapest in April. But at the moment, taking a holiday is unthinkable when so many of my people are suffering. I was about to rip up the ticket and throw it in a bin, when I had the idea to exchange my artwork for something to help relief work in Japan.

I have called my friend, Nannete Vinson from Drawing Room Hungary to see if she might be able to help. I cannot believe how immediate and heartfelt the responses have been.

I know our effort is literally a drop in the ocean, just as helpless as the image of a helicopter spraying a bucket full of water on nuclear reactors, which are spiralling out of control. However we have to do something now! I pray that it might at least communicate to the people in Japan that the rest of the world empathises with their pain and that they are not alone.

So Budapest is a very special destination and also a starting point.

祖国の惨状を,日本から遠いロンドンにあって、ネットやテレビのニュース上で見ながら、何もする事ができず、居てもたってもいられない日々を送っていました。ただ、一概のアーチストに何ができると言う、焦燥感のなかで、もともと仕事もかねて旅行に行く事になっていた、ハンガリーのブダペスト行きのチケットを こんな事態では旅行どころではないと、ゴミ箱の傍らで処分しよう、と考えていたとき、貧乏アーチストがゆえに、寄付もろくろく出来ぬ立場だけれど、作品だけはあるわけで、それをなんとか有意義な物資や人材に還元できないかと言うアイデアが浮かびました。


I sat there completely bewildered. The images on the television screen reminded me of something from a disaster movie, like 'The Day After Tomorrow'. I just could not believe what was unfolding before my eyes was reality.

On the 11th March 2011, one of the biggest earthquakes recorded in history hit Japan. Measuring a massive 9.0 on the Richter scale, it shook the whole of the country. The media has highlighted that the Japanese are one of the best organised and prepared countries for earthquakes in the world, meaning a large part of the country had dealt with it very well. However, no country, whatever it's experience with natural disasters, could have foreseen the sheer power and devastation of the tsunami which followed.

Washing away anything in it's path, the tsunami tore through the Northeast coast. It is plain to see the awful effect it had on these areas, and beyond, by looking at the images seen on the news, like the picture and video link below.

I admit, before this tragedy I never fully understood what it would be like to be in such horrendous circumstances. I feel we are all, to some extent, desensitised to these kinds of stories having been exposed to them everyday and will never be able to comprehend just how awful they are unless we are personally involved. This time, it was my turn. I immediately feared for my elderly parents in Tokyo, my brother and my relatives living in Sendai. I found myself glued to 3 screens at a time - BBC News on the TV, NHK online and CNN also, frantically trying to piece together the unbelievable events and find any information about my loved ones.
I pray for the survivors of the earthquake, tsunami and for those working on or living near the failing nuclear reactors.

Please donate to the Red Cross